

Most people familiar with my political ideology know I'm pretty much in the middle. I consider myself an Independent, and consider myself to be moderate.

Last night while channel surfing I happened upon Fox News and some of their coverage regarding the tense political situation in Madison. They were misreporting the protests at the Capitol as violent, which is the opposite of the truth. The protesters have been loud, but they have been peaceful, they have been organized, and they have been clean.

The issue is ostensibly about money and balancing the budget, but that is fast becoming a ruse. The real issue is about power and who wields it, and the Republicans that now control the Wisconsin state government want it all. They claim it's the only way to balance the budget without raising taxes, but what taxpayers are they really trying to protect? Their propositions will fill formerly non-partisan governmental offices with appointed stooges, squash clean energy initiatives, and cripple our education system, causing many of our beleaguered schools to have to close their doors or consolidate. Their proposed actions will create a budget disaster like that in California, and will have far-reaching effects on organized labor in other states such as Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Florida, and that's just a start.

Democratic members of the State Senate have left the state to prevent a quorum and thus prevent the Senate from voting on the budget bill. They thought it was the only option they had left to prevent the Republicans from simply ramming through the changes they wanted. The Republicans in turn asked the Democrats to return out of "respect for the process" yet didn't wait long before passing their changes through the State Assembly using questionable tactics. Where is their respect for the process?

The Republicans in Wisconsin have strayed far from the original ideals of their party. They should be embarrassed to be doing so in the very state their party was born in over 150 years ago.

Mood: Thoughtful
Music: The Eagles: "Already Gone"

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