
Weekend Update

Last weekend was when my company's picnic was being held. It was being held at one of the many water parks in Wisconsin Dells, Mt. Olympus. While a trip to the Dells can be fun, I decided against it for a number of reasons. First, it would cost me $15 for Sarah to attend, and I had a hard time justifying that price for a 3-year-old, even if it did include food and was effectively half price. Second, there's not really much there for her, and either myself or Maryanne would be left behind with Magan. It didn't sound like much fun.

As it turns out my sister, Caly, was coming for a visit from Colorado anyway, and it made a good reason to go to Door County. I'll concede the fact that it effectively cost more to go there than it did to go to my company picnic, but I'm willing to bet Sarah had more fun than she would have had in the Dells, as we were able to visit The Farm, and she got plenty of exercise and fresh air running around in Grandma's huge yard. Once back in Dane County we were even able to take a trip to the zoo.

Mood: Thoughtful
Music: Steppenwolf: "Magic Carpet Ride"



And just like that, HelioHost is back up.

Mood: Puzzled
Music: Red Rider: "Lunatic Fringe"

Hosed Host

So I thought I had the web hosting thing licked, after finding a free host called HelioHost that supported a bunch of options and was ad-free. Today it's not working, and pings to their domain, heliohost.org, don't resolve. I've already registered at AwardSpace, so I may check them out, and I'm also checking something out called zymic.

Mood: Frustrated
Music: Electric Light Orchestra: "Don't Bring Me Down"