
But "it does a body good...."

I read this article on Ask Yahoo! about why the winner of the Indy 500 drinks milk. I was very disturbed to find those whack-jobs at PETA want to do away with this longstanding tradition, claiming milk to be a "beverage born out of cruelty to baby calves" and a "racist drink." Of course, this isn't the first time PETA has done something fairly ridiculous; it seems that most of their hare-brained schemes tend to backfire. Maybe they should devote their time to more constructive things.


Forget Geico....

Today is my 25th birthday. I'm a quarter of a century old now. The good news is that this means my auto insurance rate will be lower.



Two posts today. Can you believe this shit? I can't.

I am quite ecstatic over the fact that it may seem, at long last, that Deep Purple's tour stop in Milwaukee may be confirmed. Tickets don't go on sale until Saturday, though, which leaves me plenty of time to get a confirmation of that fact.

The first of May....

Well, today is the 1st of May. It should be a time when we know it's spring, but here in northeast Wisconsin there is actually a chance of snow in the forecast.