
New Year

Here is the first post of the New Year, a year already filled with change.

Relatively recent events made me come to the realization that one of the parts of truly becoming an adult is observing the relationship changes among one's peers. It is even more meaningful when those peers are considered one's friends. It is wonderful to share the joy and happiness as a friend embarks on a new chapter of their lives by becoming engaged or married. It is equally sad and poignant when seeing the relationships of people one considers friends falter or even fail and fall apart.

Maryanne and I spent a great deal of conversation on it. We want our friends to be happy, but it can be troubling when people you like and expect to be together aren't together anymore. It seems the New Year has already brought with it many unexpected changes.

Mood: Thoughtful
Music: Todd Rundgren: "Hello It's Me"