
Head east....

Some people have way too much time on their hands, and then we end up with stuff like this.



Followup: Not only is Fark blocked here at AmFam, but so are The Onion, and Rather Good. It's turning into freaking 1984 around here. I'm wondering if I should starting calling the the people a Information Security the Information Gestapo, instead.

No answers....

Today I discovered the vendor that provides website blocking for American Family Insurance has for some reason blocked Fark. I'm so disappointed....

It makes me think about a meeting we had some time ago, presented by the Information Security people. When we were discussing blocked websites, it was mentioned that sites that were inappropriate for work would be blocked. I, of course, asked who decided if a site was inappropriate. They never did give me a straight answer.


Return to sender....

So today I got some e-mail from a nice gentleman by the name of Dave Mayfield who was looking for a good place in northeast Wisconsin to get a brat. I tried to reply to him, but somehow his e-mail address got garbled in his message, which was submitted from this website.

So Dave, if you read this, please e-mail again and include your e-mail address in the body of your message. I have a nice long reply sitting in my mailbox for you!


Happy Anniversary!

Today Maryanne and I have officially been married for one year. It's been great. We celebrated Friday, though, spending some time up in the Dells before sharing a nice dinner at Delmonico's here in Madison. I look forward to many more such celebrations.

Delmonico's was interesting. You'll find more here on my restaurant reviews page, but I'll add a little bit here in my blog. The place was beautiful, but noisy, which made it difficult for Maryanne. I was willing to put up with it all, though, at least until the neighboring tables made me want to slap them. Between one couple in a foursome bickering back and forth about probably inane topics, and the gentleman in another couple at a different table complaining about his risotto, I was getting anxious to leave.

The rest of the weekend was busy as well. We went to a wedding and a birthday party Saturday, and today we pretty much did nothing but watch the Packers lose to the Cardinals. The Packers didn't play very well, but I wouldn't have called it terrible. Personally, I think the outcome of the game was dictated by the truly terrible pass interference call in the fourth quarter. You know the one I'm talking about.


Abandon all hope....

Yes, now you, too, can build your own version eternal damnation. Dante would be proud.

General asshats
Circle I Limbo

Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Militant Vegans
Circle IV Rolling Weights

PETA Members
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

NAMBLA Members
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Uday Hussein, Qusay Hussein
Circle VII Burning Sands

Saddam Hussein
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Osama bin Laden
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell



Free at last....

Here's a follow-up for you. The situation still wants to make me slap someone.


Too lax....

How about some fucking truth in sentencing?

Dream away....

Lately I've been waking up far too early, around 4 a.m. or so. Since I don't need to be up until 6, I usually try to get back to sleep. In this case that means dream-filled REM sleep. I've had some doozies lately, including this gem from this morning.

I was working on some oil paintings. One I think was some kind of restoration job or something, as I was just adding some finishing touches. I was also working on something of my own, a large piece I had titled "Prom Date." I was working on it in my high school art room, and my art teacher, Mr. Rericha, was there, complimenting the piece and offering some suggestions. The piece started taking on a life of its own, evolving, and it started turning into some kind of profound statement. I'm not sure what that statement was, but everybody else must have known, because word started spreading around about this great painting I was creating, and a lot of the school's faculty, and even many of the students, started talking about it.


Bad driver alert....

Drivers in Madison, and particularly employees of American Family Insurance, should watch for the driver of a dark blue Ford Windstar minivan, license 473-DKR. She doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. Or, if she does, it defies all reason.