
No sense of humor....

Well, it looks like PETA can't take a joke. Barnes & Noble removed the review that I previously linked. Now we can say that not only is PETA a bunch of whack-jobs, but they're whack-jobs without a sense of humor.


It lacks flavor....

Check out these reader-submitted cookbook reviews at Barnes & Noble. In honor of PETA.


Off the market....

Well, it's official now: I'm a married man. It all happened on Saturday, September 21, 2002. Frankly, even four days later, I'm exhausted. It hasn't all quite sunk in yet, but I'm happy. Everyone had a wonderful time at the ceremony and at the reception. Maryanne and I enjoyed a brief honeymoon before returning to Madison and returning to reality.



If you haven't checked out Fark yet, you really should. Lot's of interesting news stories here, and a wealth of stories about whack-jobs. Why, just today I found this article about some of the more over zealous proponents of environmental causes.