
In God's name....

Their collective heart is in the right place, but the folks at the ChildCare Action Project (CAP) come across as a group of trite prohibitionists in an age when political correctness, morals, and ethics are beaten beyond recognition. It pains me to see what some people will do in the name of Christianity.



Shining in the dark....

Maybe I should start a page about police stupidity. Following in the footsteps of the Fitchburg police office who executed the Hail Mary exit, last night was the night for the police of the city of Madison to shine. Five squad vehicles (and I say vehicles because three were cars and two were SUVs) all converging on the scene of some hubbub about 9:00 last night and not a one with their headlights turned on. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling to know that Madison's finest are apparently unaware of the Wisconsin law that requires headlights to be turned on after sunset.


Setting an example....

When I was driving home from work Monday, I saw someone make a Hail Mary exit, starting in the left-most lane behind me and somehow managing to exit on the right in front of me. While it didn't really bother me, per se, since I've been known to do the same thing myself on occasion, something did strike me as interesting: the driver was a Fitchburg police officer, and he didn't use a turn signal. I'm so happy to see law enforcement officers setting a nice example for us civilians.