
An anniversary....

Today marks the day that my girlfriend and I have been together two years. It's sometimes hard to believe I've spent two years of my life with the same woman, but there you have it. It's been wonderful. We attempted to celebrate it this past weekend, but events saw fit to louse up my plans. It was disappointing for both of us. Life's full of disappointments, but having the right person by your side makes it a lot easier.


Good times....

I had a wonderful weekend on Lake Wisconsin with my friends. We also saw Devil's Lake State Park and some of Wisconsin Dells. The weather was clear for the most part, and the autumn colors made for beautiful scenery in central Wisconsin. I'm sure the good company helped make it such an enjoyable time.


Don't call him Wesley....

Well, since this is the place for commentary, I guess I can comment on other things other than the news, and avoid cluttering up the rest of my website with inane babble. Right now I'd like to comment on Wil Wheaton's website, though I'm sure I can think of a better method of doing such things. Anyway, check out the site. It's actually pretty damn amusing, and has some interesting links.