

Well, there's not really that much to comment on, but since I'm sitting here kind of bored and unmotivated, I thought I would produce a news update. You may ask how I can produce a news update without news. I'm kind of wondering that myself. But since I also use this space for commentary, I can do what I like. It's my website, after all.

I had no idea planning a wedding would be so time consuming! While there's a marginal sense of urgency for the time being, there's no need to panic yet. The date is set, the church is reserved, and the reception hall is reserved. However, there remains plenty to do.


Looking ahead....

Well, here it is, the year 2002. I'm hoping 2002 will shape up to be a better year than 2001. Not that 2001 was terrible, although after September 11 it was pretty much dominated by thoughts of what happened and the consequences of those events.

I spent a lovely New Year's in central Wisconsin with my fiancee, keeping busy with friends and future family. It was all very pleasant.

This website is averaging about 1,000 hits per year. I suppose that's decent for what is basically a personal website. More hits would be nice, though.