and have you heard the latest? We're all going to hell...isn't that fabulous? It actually makes me a little sad that the pope is single handedly working to undo decades of progress in ecumenical, interfaith, and intrachurch dialog...dialog that was working to kept the church relevant. *sigh*
I know that the Lutheran/Evangelical church had been maintaining a dialog with the Roman Catholic Church for a while and had documented their respective positions on justification by faith, good works, and other doctrinal topics.
I told Maryanne about all this and she basically stated she was glad she had left the Catholic Church.
I have a really hard time with any religious group, be it a Christian denomination or any other religious group, that states their way is the only way and you're condemned if you don't follow their beliefs. On an e-mail discussion list recently there was a messianic Jew who was trying to state that the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was heretical. He and the other unitarians on the list argued there wasn't any scriptural support for the Trinity. I argued otherwise, especially since their understanding of the historical context of Christian theology was sadly lacking. They had no concept of the timeframes of the condemnation of Christians by the Roman Empire, the Council of Nice, the Reformation and the King James Bible.
and have you heard the latest? We're all going to hell...isn't that fabulous?
It actually makes me a little sad that the pope is single handedly working to undo decades of progress in ecumenical, interfaith, and intrachurch dialog...dialog that was working to kept the church relevant.
I know that the Lutheran/Evangelical church had been maintaining a dialog with the Roman Catholic Church for a while and had documented their respective positions on justification by faith, good works, and other doctrinal topics.
I told Maryanne about all this and she basically stated she was glad she had left the Catholic Church.
I have a really hard time with any religious group, be it a Christian denomination or any other religious group, that states their way is the only way and you're condemned if you don't follow their beliefs. On an e-mail discussion list recently there was a messianic Jew who was trying to state that the Christian doctrine of the Trinity was heretical. He and the other unitarians on the list argued there wasn't any scriptural support for the Trinity. I argued otherwise, especially since their understanding of the historical context of Christian theology was sadly lacking. They had no concept of the timeframes of the condemnation of Christians by the Roman Empire, the Council of Nice, the Reformation and the King James Bible.
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