
Happy New Year

Last night Maryanne and I went to Star Cinema out in Fitchburg and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the IMAX screen. It was a packed house, but the crowd was good. There weren't any screaming children like there had been for King Kong.

Good flick, too. Maryanne had seen it before, but I had not. There were a number of things from the book that were left out, but even at that running time was about two and a half hours. The special effects were good.

Afterwards Maryanne and I went to La Hacienda for a late supper. I was able to get my pozole fix, and Maryanne got her tamale fix.

After that we went home and Maryanne pretty much crashed. I guess we're turning into old fuddy-duddies.

Mood: Relaxed
Music: Aerosmith: "Drop Dead Gorgeous"

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